Manisa Azman pigeons are small size, short beaked, long legs, rose, originally...
Manisa Azman Pigeons

Manisa Azman pigeons are small size, short beaked, long legs, rose, originally...
Polish Hen Pigeons Białka Polska is a purebred pigeon bred in the vicinity of Krakow. This breed was bred on the basis of crossing the Polish lynx...
Magyar Autosex Tyúkgalamb A community was established in Gyomaendrőd in 2005 for the breeding of the Hungarian Autosex Hen Pigeon, associated with...
Veleno Cropper – or also known as: Buchon Veleno, Дутыш Велено – Known since 1900s, Buchon Colitejo, Valenciano and Laudino are crossed...
Buchón Tiro y Emperche Pacense; It is a medium sized buchon-sports pigeon between 23/26 cm. Its origin is mainly due to Buchón Morrillero Alicantino...
Alföldi dudoros posta galamb As the descendants of sports and messenger pigeons that lagged behind during their travels or became redundant in military service, in many...
Efsahani pigeons are an ancient species that probably appeared thousands of years ago in Esfahan, Iran. These Birds are the ancestors of the birds today called...
Otati ; andalusian color is expressed by other factors that give the body its unique color as it contrasts with the pale platinum neck. It has a short to medium beak...
It is a pigeon breed that emerged in the 20s. They may have been crossed with the Kings, the Swiss Mondains and the giant homers. They were first bred by a king breeder...