Budapesti magasröptű keringő Budapest Highflyer – or also known by names: Haut-volant de Budapest, Budapester Hochflieger, Altovolante in Budapest...
Search Results For - budapest highflyer
The Budapest Whiteflight Highflyer – or also known by the names: Haut Volant de Budapest V Vole Blanche, Budapester Weissschwingiger Hochflieger...
The Hungarian Highflying Dark-storked – also known by names: Magasröptű Magyar Deres Keringő, Haut-volant Hongrois Cigogne Foncé, Ungarischer...
Bratislavský Vysokoletún The history of the Bratislava highflyer is overlapping with the history of similar breeds reared throughout the Danube plain. It was...
Pigeons in Hungary According to experts and experts, the Hungarians met the pigeons with galloping in Turkish.The base stock is believed to be the eastern...
0000 FORMENTAUBEN-PIGEONS DE FORME-UTILITY FORM PIGEONS 0001 Römer-Romain-Runt Pigeons-F-Ring 11 0002 Ungarische Riesentaube-Géant Hongrois-Hungarian Giant...
AA Archangel Yugoslavia, Germany 1 COL AFF American Flying Flight USA 95 FL-F AFT American Flying Tumbler USA 150B FL-P ALO ...
FORM PİGEONS American Crest American Giant Homer American Giant Rumbler American Show Racer Antwerp Carneau Cauchois Coburg Lark Crested Soultz Egyptian Swift...