Modena Hen Pigeon Families – Type Of Modena Pigeons English modena ( Modène Anglais ) German modena ( Deutscher Modeneser-Modène Allemand Triganino...
Search Results For - modena
The German Modena – also known by the names: Modène Type Allemand, Deutsche Modeneser, Modenese Tedesco, Немецкая модена – are varieties originally...
The pigeon now known as the ‘English Modena’ was developed in the early years of the nineteenth century by a group of English Breeders headed by the late W.F...
The Triganino modena Pigeon – also known by the name: Triganino de Modène, Triganino Modeneser, Triganino Modenese, Триганино нарядная модена – is...
Razze Di Colombe İtaliane Pigeons ( colombo ) A common name for various species of birds belonging to the order Colombiformes (Columbiformes), in the current...
American Giant Crest The United States was recognized as a breed in January 1940 at the National Pigeon Association Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...
Tepeli kanad cirpan Anatolian Ringbeater Fancy Pigeons– also known by the names: Ringslager d’Anatolie, Anatolischer Ringschläger, Ringschläger...
Münsterländer Feldtaube Munsterland Field Pigeon – also known by names: Munsterois Biset, Münsterländer Feldtaube, Campagnolo di Muenster...
The French Sottobanca Pigeons – also known by the names: Sottobanca Francais, Französische Sottobanca, Sottobanca-Franz Zuchtrichtung, Sottobanca...