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Owl Pigeons

Vizör Owl Pigeons

The vizör was marked on the Satinette, but looked like a Domino mask. Vizör pigeons are a color mutation of oriental frills and cannot be considered as a...


Turkish Pigeon Breeds

Pigeon history In the long Turkish history, Pigeon was always an important figure. Pigeons were first used for communication. Nowadays they are used for hobby...


Spanish Pigeon Breeds

Razas de palomas Pigeon the current breeds of domestic pigeons descend from the wild pigeon Columba Livia, through a long process of selection over the...

Rare Breeds Pigeon Club breed list

AA           Archangel Yugoslavia, Germany 1 COL AFF         American Flying Flight USA 95 FL-F AFT         American Flying Tumbler USA 150B FL-P ALO     ...

NPA | National Pigeon Association Breed list

FORM PİGEONS American Crest American Giant Homer American Giant Rumbler American Show Racer Antwerp Carneau Cauchois Coburg Lark Crested Soultz Egyptian Swift...