The Syrian Baghdad dove – or also known by the names: Syrian Carrier, Syricher Bagdette, Bagadese Siriano, Сирийские Багдет – is one of the ancient...
Syrian Pigeons
Ahmar Gohzar ; identical to the Otati and Anbary except for the color. The color is deep rich recessive red. Ahmar means Red in English and Akwal translates to...
Syrian Owl pigeons – also known by names: Cravaté Syrien, Syrische Mövchen, Cravattato Siriano, СирийскийскийСова – are varieties originating from...
Karakand Fantail – also known by names: Syrian Fantail, Karakan, Gümüşkuyruk – are varieties originating from Syria, but have not been informed...
Taqliji Pigeons The Middle East, presumably Syria. It is named for Saint Thaqlah. It was imported to the United States in 1954 from Damascus, Syria, by Sam M...