Maltese pigeons – also known by names: Poule Maltais, Malteser, Мальтийский голубь – are varieties originating from Austria, which began to be...
Hen Pigeons
The King pigeons– or also called by name: Show King, Кинг – is a variety originally from the United States, which has been developed since 1890...
The German Modena – also known by the names: Modène Type Allemand, Deutsche Modeneser, Modenese Tedesco, Немецкая модена – are varieties originally...
The Hungarian pigeons- also known by the names: Poule Hongrois, Huhnschecke, Gazzo Ungherese, Венгерский голубь – is a genuine origin derived from...
The pigeon now known as the ‘English Modena’ was developed in the early years of the nineteenth century by a group of English Breeders headed by the late W.F...