Белослатински преметач The Beloslatin Roller is a medium sized pigeon that was bred mainly in the central part of northern Bulgaria, but has spread throughout...
Tag - Bulgarian Pigeons
Паламарски гълъб Palamarski pigeon; It takes its name from the village of Palamartsa in the old Popovo district. Pigeon is also “Palamarski singer”...
ПАЗАРДЖИШКИ ВИСОКОЛЕТАЧИ Pazardzhishki visokoletachi ; This is a species that was created at the beginning of the last century in Pazarcık, crossing white and...
Благоевградски шарен This breed has been created for 10 years in Blagoevgrad and is based on pigeons brought from Turkey around 1990. under the name...
Чирпански гълъб The Tschirpan Tumbler pigeons – Chirpanski, or also known by the names: Tschirpaner Tümmler , Culbutant de Tschirpana – is a...
Бял люлек White Lyulek This is a typical Thracian breed, which unfortunately in recent years is threatened with extinction. Single specimens are found in...
Kазанлъшки високолетящ Kazanlak highflyer pigeons They have been grown since time immemorial, as they remember and tell the oldest native doves from the...
Ямболски акман Yambol Akman ornamental pigeon – also known as Yambolskie– is a variety originating from Bulgaria, which has been informed that it...
Търговищки гълъб Targovist Tumbler pigeons – or also known by the names: Culbutant de Targoviste, Targovister Tümmler, Capitombolante on the Targovist...
Добруджански гълъб Dobrudshan Roller pigeons – also known by the names: Dobruja Roller, Dobrudshaner Tümmler , Culbutant de la Dobroudja, Capitombolante...