The German Colourtail Owl – also known by the names: Cravaté Allemagne à Queue Colorée, Deutsches Farbenschwanzmövchen, Cravattato Tedesco a Coda...
Tag - mövchen
The Turbit pigeons – also known by names: Cravaté Turbit, Turbitmövchen, Turbito, Турбит – are varieties of English origin, but have not found...
The Barbarisi Owl pigeon-also known by the names: Syrian Turbiteen, Barbarisi-Mövchen Cravaté Barbarisi, Barbarian – is a varietal originating from Syria...
The Bulgarian Shield Owl Pigeons– also known by the names: Cravaté Bulgare, Bulgarisches Schildmövchen, Bulgarian Cravattato, Bulgarian Shtitna Chaika...
The Valencian Frill – also known by the names: Figurita Mövchen, Figurita, Валенсийская Cова-фигурита – is a varietal originating from Spain, but...
The Barbet of Liége – also known by the names: Barbet Liègeois, Lütticher Barbet, Barbet in Liegi, Льежский барбет – is a breeding variety in the...
The English Owl pigeons– also known by the names: Cravaté Anglais, Englisches Owl Mövchen, Cravattato Inglese, Английская сова – is a very old race...
The Polish Owl pigeons– also known by the names: Cravaté Polonais, Polnisches Mövchen, Cravattato Polacco, Польская сова – is a varietal...
The Oriental Frill – also known by names: Cravaté Oriental, Orientalisches Mövchen, Cravattato Orientali, Восточная Cова – is a variety that grew...
The Old German Owl – also known by names: Cravaté Allemand ancien, Altdeutsche Mövchen, Vecchio Cravattato Tedesco, Старогерманская сова – are the...