Murzyn polski The Polish Moortumbler Pigeons – or also known by the names: Polnischer Mohr, Culbutant Maure de Pologne – The Polish Moortumbler was bred...
Tag - polish pigeons
Tippler Zaglębiowski Polish tippler pigeons were brought from Germany to the Dąbrowski Basin at the beginning of the 20th century. The breeders of Zagłębie by...
Stawak Małopolski Origin; Malopolski Pouter – or also known by the names: Malopolski Kröpfer, Boulant Malopolski – It was bred in southern Poland...
Polish Hen Pigeons Białka Polska is a purebred pigeon bred in the vicinity of Krakow. This breed was bred on the basis of crossing the Polish lynx with...
Białostocki Tarczowy Lotny Bialostik Shield Tumbler – or also known by the names: Bialostocker Schildtümmler , Cubultant de Bialostok à bouclier coloré .The...
Kaliski Biały Kalisz white Tumbler – or also known by the names: Kalischer Weisstümmler , Culbutant blanc de Kalisz – The white Kalisz pigeon, as the...
Murzynek lotny Pigeons by breeders of central Poland at the beginning of the 20th century. Common breeding pigeons were used to form this breed, in flocks...
Brodawczak Starapolski Buldog The Old Polish Wattle Pigeon – or also known by the names: Altpolnische Warzentaube , Ancien Pigeon caronculé Polonais –...
Sroka łowicka The Lowicz magpie Tumbler pigeons – or also known by the names: Lowitzer Elster, Culbutant pie de Lowicz– breed is very popular among...
Zamojski The Zamoy Tumbler pigeons – or also known by the names: Zamojski Tümmler , Culbutant de Zamosc– Zamość and nearby towns of south-eastern Poland...