Вольский высоколетный Volsky high flying tumbler ; It is a very old Russian breed. This breed was bred in the city of Volsk in the Saratov region. They are...
Tag - russian pigeons
Бухарские The origin of the breed; One of the oldest breeds of Uzbek pigeons, “Bukhara” flight-playing pigeons preserved their color and feather...
Орловские белые турманы Oryol white tumbler ; One of the oldest breeds of Russian tourman. Origin of the breed There is no reliable information about the...
Магнитогорский Статный Magnitogorskie Pigeon – or also known by the names: Beautiful Magni-togorsky, Magnitogorsk Stately, Магнитогорский Статный –...
Башкирские (Уфимские) Спартаки Spartacus Pigeon – or also known by the following names: Bashkir Spartacus, Bashkir Dove Spartacus, Спартаки – A...
Moscow Monk – or also known by the name: Московские Монахи – is a variety that originated in Moscow (Russia), which was developed in the 20th...
Русский бараба́нщик Russian trumpeter/ Turkot (Ukrainian) is an aboriginal breed of pigeons in the south of Russia and Ukraine. Belongs to a group of...
Andischan Tumbler pigeons – or also known by names: Andijaner Tümmler, Andijan Klatschtümmler, Андижан – are the most ancient varieties...
Armenian Tumbler ornamental pigeons – or commonly known by the names: Culbutant d’Armenia, Armenischen Purzeltaube, Capitombolanto in Armenia, армянский...
Черно-пегие турманы Moskau Black-magpied Tumbler ornamental pigeons – or also known by the names: Culbutant Pie Noir de Moscou, Moskauer...