Tumbler Pigeons Tumbler-Roller-Highflyer

Monor Tumbler ( Monori keringö )

Culbutant de Monor - Monori keringö
Culbutant de Monor

The Monor Tumbler pigeons – also known by the names: Culbutant de Monor, Monorer Tümmler, Capitombolante in Monor, Турман монор – are varieties originating from the Monor and surrounding areas (Hungary), informed that have been developed for a long time, In a permanent standard in 1999. Information related to varieties belonging to this tumbler type is still very limited. Only from some data is known that this variety can fly well, but its development in the last decade is practical only for the improvement of display quality.

Monorer Tümmler - tümmler tauben
Monorer Tümmler
monor tumbler - tumbler pigeons - hungarian pigeons
Monor Tumbler pigeons – hungarian