Veleno Cropper – or also known as: Buchon Veleno, Дутыш Велено – Known since 1900s, Buchon Colitejo, Valenciano and Laudino are crossed from the...
Pouter-Cropper Pigeons
Buchón Tiro y Emperche Pacense; It is a medium sized buchon-sports pigeon between 23/26 cm. Its origin is mainly due to Buchón Morrillero Alicantino and old...
Stawak Małopolski Origin; Malopolski Pouter – or also known by the names: Malopolski Kröpfer, Boulant Malopolski – It was bred in southern Poland...
Buchon Quebrado Murciano This breed of pigeons is native to the Murcia Region, a direct descendant of the Old Murcian, where it was bred in the cities of Mula...
BUCHÓN MARTEÑO The marteño is a well-known pigeon in Andalusia, especially in the province of Jaén, where it has its origin in Martos. Its antiquity can be of...