It is known that it was created from hybrids of French Baghdad and Turkish bagdad pigeons ( kespir ) and that Bechstein (1795) was very prolific. Baghdad is a...
Wattle Pigeons
wattle pigeons is a fleshy caruncle hanging from various parts of the eyes or beak in several groups of birds
Brodawczak Starapolski Buldog The Old Polish Wattle Pigeon – or also known by the names: Altpolnische Warzentaube , Ancien Pigeon caronculé Polonais –...
Brodawczak podkarpacki Low Carpathian Wattle Pigeon – or also known by the names: Karpatenvorländische Warzentaube , Pigeon caronculé des Basses Carpathes...
Carunculat de Oradea Pigeons belonging to this group are very widespread in Oradea and Oradia. Many passionate breeders are working to improve and standardize...
Kespir Baghdad – only known by this name – is a variety originating from Turkey (some records show that the development was carried out among...