Tumbler Pigeons Tumbler-Roller-Highflyer

Bursa Tumbler Pigeons

tümmler bursa - tauben
bursa tümmler

Bursa Oynar Güvercini

Bursa Tumbler – or also known by the names: Culbutant de Bursa, Bursa Tümmler, Capitombolante Bursa, Турман из Бурсы – is a variety that originates from Bursa City and its surroundings (in the Marmara region, Turkey), which is informed that it has been bred since 1300s, so it is one of the ancient races of Turkey. Varieties that are incorporated into this Tumbler type, are known for their great flying abilities. Locally, the people are called “oynar” or “akkanat” – white wings. Now this pigeon has spread and been bred in various countries.

Culbutant de Bursa
turkish tumbler pigeons
bursa tumbler
turk güvercin ırkları
bursa güvercini