Structure Pigeons

American Awesome Angel Pigeons

American awesome angel

St. Louis Arch Crested Pigeon

This evolving breed is called the American awesome angel, previously they were called amazing archangels, but had a name change. The creator of the breed is Chet Johnson. In 2011, he turned 89 years old. He spent 40 years creating a bird named Gabriel, which is larger than the Archangel (Bullfinch) and retains its color. The bird has been adopted by the NPA. He has a lot of nose-birds in the dovecote, Jacobins, Capuchins, Saxon monks, as well as Mookie, naturally Archangels and many others. America, the beginning of the creation of the breed in 1968. This is a beautiful, majestic bird, with a royal vertical stance.


St. Louis Archangel Crested Pigeon

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