Barpan Pigeons – or also known by the names: Darpan , Australian Red – Commonly referred to as “Australian” in India, the breed actually has...
Tag - indian pigeons
Goolee pigeons are a flying species mostly kept in Northern India. It is similar in size to Mookee pigeons and comes in black, red and yellow. Back of head and...
KHAL İndian Pigeons A flying pigeons breed, most popular breed in Delhi and surrounding regions, comes in black, red and yellow. It is like magpie marking with...
Roshan Chirag Pigeons – is a variety originating from India, especially in the northern region, but no information has been found since when it began to...
Lowtan pigeons – A performing breed, executing fast and close rolls on ground or floor said to perform better than our own Parlor Rollers. Breeds from...
İndian Gola The Indian Gola pigeon is a strong ( flying breeds ) breed. It is raised for both speed and endurance. These birds are excellent flyers, and they...