Tumbler Pigeons Tumbler-Roller-Highflyer

Calarasi double crested Tumbler

rasse romanescti
jucator de calarasi

Jucator de Calarasi

Calarasi tumbler – also known as: Calarasier doppelkuppiger Tümmler, Culbutant de Calarasi á coquille et visière – is a variety that originates from the Calarasi region (Romania), which was developed from the third half of the 20th century. Varieties classified into this Tumbler type, are known for their attractive appearance, and also because of their great, high and fast flight ability, especially in groups. Smilar Species : Alexandria Tumbler

romanian pigeons
Culbutant de Calarasi á coquille et visière
tümmler romanian
Calarasier doppelkuppiger Tümmler
Calarasi double crested Tumbler