KHAL İndian Pigeons A flying pigeons breed, most popular breed in Delhi and surrounding regions, comes in black, red and yellow. It is like magpie marking with...
Tag - formentauben
Porumbel Mare De Calafat Common breed in Oltenia, especially in the city of Calafat – Romania. It is suitable for meat pigeons, productive breed, with...
Grainy beaks and white color laced in yellow. A slightly darker bird is referred to in Arabic as Mawardy or shade of rose. There are shades of colors that...
Adana Dalıcı Güvercini Adana Dewlap ornamental pigeons – also known by the names: Adana Wammentaube, Адана Подгрудок – are long pigeon varieties...
The Duchesse is a very old breed of Utility Pigeon and is believed to be a member of the Mondaine family. It is an ancestor of not only the Utility King, but...
The Meulemans pigeons are a combination of the Janssens and the Huyskens. And the Van Den Bosch pigeons are some of the original birds of the Huyskens van...
American Giant Crest The United States was recognized as a breed in January 1940 at the National Pigeon Association Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...
The American Trenton was the first American strain of Homer, developed in 1880. The birds were raced up to 1,000 miles.
Lietuvos pašto-parodinis The breed was cross-linked with the old Dutch and German pigeons with a variety of molded bird breeds. 20th century In the first...
Jewel Fancy The United States. In 1946 Everett Milstead, of Dayton, Ohio, formerly a breeder of the White Swiss Mondaine, conceived the idea of creating the...