Porumbel urias de Salonta Giant Salonta – or also known by the names: Uriaş de Salonta, Rumunsky Obor, Szalontai Óriás Galamb – is a variety that...
Tag - formentauben
Rzeszowski wystawowy Rzeszow Homer Pigeons exhibition have been bred in Podkarpacie since 1945. In order to obtain this breed, the following breeds of birds...
Stary Ryś polski Old Polish lynx is a large breed of pigeon, Currently, 2 types of this breed are bred: old type (less massive pigeon and less dense...
Mainly raised in the Levante Español, more specifically in the province of Valencia, from the crossing of the Valencian Tenat with other lighter breeds, even...
Smijter vormduiven Smiter pigeons – or also known by the names: Smyter, Смитер (ударник) – are varieties that come from the region of Antwerp...
Afghan Pigeon Musafer – or also known by the names: Pigeon de Musafer, Kaftar afgani , Afghaanse Musafer Duiven, Afghanische Musafer Tauben, افغانې کفتري...
Renaisien – or also known by the names: Ronsenaar (Renaisien), Colombo on Renaix, Ренессансный голубь – is a variety that originated in Belgium...
Ascolano ornamental pigeons – generally only known as that – is an old Italian race dove, mainly maintained in the Marches, or also in places such...
Ahmar Gohzar ; identical to the Otati and Anbary except for the color. The color is deep rich recessive red. Ahmar means Red in English and Akwal translates to...
White Flying Homer ornamental dove – generally only known by this name – is an unknown variety of origin, only stated to have existed since BC...