The French Mondain pigeons – also known by the names: Gros Mondain, Mondain, Mondano, Французский мондейн – The Mondain is an ancient French pigeon...
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The Romagnol pigeons – also known by the names: Romagnolo, Ромагноли – Romagnolo was named starting from “real” pigeons at the end of...
The Fancy pigeon Crested Soultz – or also known by the names: Huppe de Soultz, Soultzer Haube, Cuffia in Soultz, Хохлатый Сольтц – is a variety...
The Hungarian Giant House pigeons – also known by names: Géant Hongrois, Ungarische Riesentaube, Gigante Ungherese, Porumbei Urias Manghiar, Венгерский...
Benešovský holub Benesov Pigeon ornamental pigeons – also known by the names: Pigeon de Benesov, Beneschauer Taube, Colombo in Benesov, Бенешовский...
The Fancy pigeon Texan Pioneer – also known by the names: Texan, Texaner, Texano, Тексан-Пионер – is a variety that comes from Texas (USA), was...
The Fancy pigeon American Giant Homer – in almost all countries use the same name, Viaggiatore Gigante Americano, Гигантский американский Гомера (Russia)...
Romain The Runt Pigeons are one of the world’s oldest breeds of pigeons, among the largest pigeons, likely ancestors of which large pigeons from the...