The Old Dutch Capuchine pigeons– also known by the names: Capucin Hollandais, Altholländischer Kapuziner, Vecchio Cappuccino Olandese, Староголландский Капуцин – is a variety that has been bred since the early 1500s, brought by Dutch sailors back from India and the Middle East. Varieties belonging to this type of Structure pigeons demonstratively began to rage since 1661 in the Netherlands. In the process of development, this variety is characterized by the advantage of the growth of a dense mane or dome-shaped feathers on the head, which is oval on both sides of the neck, which is more obvious when viewed from the front. The hard work of breeding this variety was done by Henk Moezelaar, 1950, especially when he found this “kapucijnen” group in West-Brabant. With the success of the breeding, Moezelaar then formed the “Oud Hollandse Kapucijnenfokkers Club“, 1959, and he also wrote the standard of this pigeon variety, which is widely used as a reference by breeders and fanciers.

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