The Duchesse is a very old breed of Utility Pigeon and is believed to be a member of the Mondaine family. It is an ancestor of not only the Utility King, but...
Tag - netherland pigeons
Zeeuwse Dwergkropper Zealand Pygmy Pouter – also known by the name : Zeeländischer Zwergkröpfer , Boulant nain de Zélande – Zeeland Dwarf Cropper...
Nederlandse Krulveerkropper The Dutch Curled Cropper ornamental dove – or also known by the names: Boulant Néerlandais Frisé, Niederländischer...
Hagenaar Duiven Hague highflyer is a beautiful Dutch pigeons breed, with a noble appearance. It is a hefty tumbler with a lot of chest width and depth and a...
Nederlandse Helmduif Dutch Helmet – also known by the names: Calotte Néerlandais, Niederländische Kalotte, Capitombolante Olandese a Calotta, Голландский...
Groninger Slenk Duiven Groninger Slenke – also known by names: Slenke de Groningue, Slenke in Groninga, Гренингенский турман – is a varietal...
Valencia Cropper – or also known by the names: Boulant de Valencia, Valencia Kröpfer, Gozzuto in Valencia, Валенсийский Дутыш – is a varietal...
Hyacinth – also known by names: Hyacinthe, Hyazinthtaube, Giacinto, Гиацинтовый голубь – are varieties of Dutch origin, although some records show...
Gelderland Slenke – also known by the names: Slenke de Gueldre, Geldersche Slenke, Slenke in Gelderland, Гелдерландтурман – are varieties derived...
The Voorburg Shield cropper– also known by names: Boulant de Voorburg, Voorburger Schildkröpfer, Gozzuto Scudato in Voorburg, Вурбургский Дутыш –...