Tumbler Pigeons Tumbler-Roller-Highflyer

Goeteborg Tumbler

Culbutant de Göteborg

Gøteborg Tumling

Goeteborg Tumbler ornamental pigeons – also known by names: Culbutant de Gothenburg, Göteborg Tümmler, Jucator de Goteborg, Capitombolante at Gothenburg, Гетеборгский турман – are varieties originating from Gothenborg (Sweden), known as the old race, but have not been found information since when this variety began to be developed, only estimated around the 18th century. This type of tumbler variety, is less popular outside of its home country, only known to be able to fly well, but is more developed as a dove display.

tümmler tauben
Göteborg Tümmler