Lietuvos šarkelė
Lithuanian Magpie fancy pigeons – or also known as: Litauer Elster , Pie de Lituanie – The pigeon breed was formed in the 20th century. in the second half of the year in the central part of Lithuania, mostly thanks to the efforts of Kaunas pigeons. It is likely that the variety of the breed was based on the old Russian (Rye) red (yellow and red), called “burnt” in market terminology.
Colors are intense, rich, solid. The drawing of this breed of pigeons is called “red”. The whole body of the birds is monochrome, except for the whites of white and the white spot under the beak, which extends across the head, including the eye area, forming an eight-figure design. The drawing must be symmetrical. The blue pigeon in the tail (approximately 3-5 mm from the tip of the feathers) has a 1 cm wide transverse strip.
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