Vilniaus Naktinis The Vilnius nightflyer pigeons – or also known by the names: Vilnius Nachtflieger, Haut-volant de nuit de Vilnius – This is the...
Tag - Lithuanian pigeons
Liepojos baltauodegis The Liepaja white tail – or also known by the names: Liepaja Weißschwanz , Liepaja à queue blanche – The breed originates from the...
Dainavos spalvotagalvis Dainava’s colorful head tumbler pigeons– or also known by the names: Dainava Farbenkopf , Tête colorée de Dainava – is...
Lietuvos šarkelė Lithuanian Magpie fancy pigeons – or also known as: Litauer Elster , Pie de Lituanie – The pigeon breed was formed in the 20th century...
Kauno baltajuostis vartiklis Kaunas ribbon tail – or also known by the names: Kaunas Spiegelschwanz , Miroité de Kaunas- pigeon breed was formed in the 20th...
Kauno drugelis Kaunas butterfly pigeon breed was born in Kaunas by the efforts of local pigeons in the 20th century on the other side. It is being further...
Vilniaus spalvotašonis Vilnius colour shield – also known by the name : Vilnius Schildtaube , Bouclier de Vilnius – The breed originated in Vilnius...
Sūduvos spalvotagalvis Suduvos white head pigeons – also known as: Suduvos Weißkopf , Tête blanche de Suduvos – The breed was created in the 19th century...
Lietuvos žuvėdrėlė Lithuanian frill – also known by the names: Litauer Mövchen , Cravaté Lituanien -The breed was created in the 20th century in the...
Lietuvos figūrinis Lithuanian poture tumbler – an old local breeds whose origins and ancestors are not clear. Various tricks on the issue of origin...