Form Pigeons

Crested Soultz Pigeon ( Huppé de Soultz )

Crested Soultz - Huppé de Soultz
Crested Soultz - Huppé de Soultz

The Fancy pigeon Crested Soultz – or also known by the names: Huppe de Soultz, Soultzer Haube, Cuffia in Soultz, Хохлатый Сольтц – is a variety that comes from Francis, who developed since the early 1800s, in the northern Lower Rhine, especially Soultz and Foretse and surrounding areas. Varieties that are incorporated into this utility form types, have the ability to fly pretty well, but in the beginning for the allotment of consumption.

Soultzer Haube - tauben
Soultzer Haube
Crested Soultz - form pigeons
Crested Soultz
Crested Soultz - french pigeons
Crested Soultz

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