Bratislavský Vysokoletún The history of the Bratislava highflyer is overlapping with the history of similar breeds reared throughout the Danube plain. It was...
Tag - slowakian pigeons
Kosicki kotrmeliak Ornamental pigeon Kosice Roller – also known by the names: Rouleur de Kosice, Kaschauer Roller, Rotolatore di Kosice, Košický Rejdič...
Kosice Highflyer ( Tumbler )– also known by names: Haut-volant de Kosice, Kaschauer Tümmler, Kosice Tumbler – are varieties derived from Kosice...
Piešťanský obor Piestanau Pigeon – also known by the names: Géant Piestanois, Piestanauer Riesentaube, Peshtyanskie Giants, Пьештянский Гигант –...
The East Slovak Roller – also known by the names: Východoslovenský Kotrmeliak, Rouleur de Slovaquie Orientale, Ostslowakischer Roller, Восточно-Словацкий...
The Slovak Highflyer pigeons– or also known by the names: Haut Volant Slovaque, Slowakischer Hochflieger – is a varietal originating from the...
The Slowakian Cropper – also known by the names: Slovak Pouter, Boulant Slovaque, Slowakischer Kröpfer, Gozzuto Slovacco, Slovenský Hrvoliak, Slovenský...