The German Double-crested Trumpeter Pigeons-or also known by the names: Tambour Allemand à Coquille et Visière, Deutsche Doppelkuppige Trommeltaube, Tamburo Tedesco a Doppio Ciuffo, Двухчубый немецкий барабанщик – is a varietal originating from Germany, undiscovered since when began to be developed. However, as one of the older races, it is estimated that the development of these varieties dates back to the 18th century or earlier. Varieties belonging to this type of trumpeter pigeons are known as the result of cross-breeding performed with several other trumpeter races. There is also information that this variety has been developed for a long time in Russia. Although these varieties are able to fly well, but practically now the development is done only for the sake of the show.

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