Owl Pigeons

Russe Owl Pigeons

pigeosn - owl - bulgar - bluesjhiled
bulgarian pigeons

Русенски мъсърлии

Russe Owl -also known by the name :Russer Mövchen , Cravaté de Russe , Rousse Masarlii – are varieties known to be from the Rouse (Bulgaria) region, but no information has been found since when it began to be developed (and like other Rouse varieties, estimated around the 19th century or earlier). These varieties belonging to the OWL type are actually more similar to some owl groups that exist in Europe, but are believed to be individual varieties. This variety is less popular, and is also very little publicized internationally. Having good flying skills, but it seems to exist more through a quite attractive appearance. However, clarification is needed regarding the similarity between these varieties with the Bulgarian Shield Owl.

Russer Mövchen
owl pigeosn - shield owl
russe owl
Cravaté de Russe

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