The Saxon Priest pigeon – or also known by the names of ; Prêtre de Saxe, Sächsische Pfaffentaube, Prete in Sassonia, Саксонский священник В »- is a...
Saxon Pigeons
The Saxon Whitetail pigeons– also known by the names: Queue Blanche de Saxe, Sächsischer Weißschwanz, Colombo in Sassonia a Coda Bianca, Саксонский...
The Saxon Wing Pigeon – also known by the names: Pigeon de Saxe à Ailes Colorées, Sächsische Flügeltaube, Colombo in Sassonia ad All Colorate, Саксонский...
The Saxon Shield pigeon – also known by the names: Bouclier de Saxe, Sächsische Schildtaube, Scudato di Sassonia, Саксонский Щитковый – are...
The Saxon breast pigeons – also known by the names : Pigeon de Saxe à Poitrine Colorée, Sächsischer Brüster, Colombo in Sassonia a Petto Colorato...