The Dutch Beauty Homer pigeons– or also known by the names: Voyageur de Beauté Néerlandais, Holländische Schönheitsbrieftaube, Viaggiatore Olandese da...
Form Pigeons
formentauben-pigeons de forme-utility form pigeons
The Syrian Dewlap – also known by the names: Beyrouth, Syrische Wammentaube, Beirut, Сирийский Пузатый Голубь – are varieties originating from the...
Coburger Lerche New pigeon breeds Coburg Lark – also known by the names: Alouette de Cobourg, Coburger Lerche, Allodola di Coburgo, Кобургский жаворонок...
The fancy American Racer Pigeons – only known by this – are varieties that began in 1920, when some pigeon breeders began to cultivate these...
The Syrian Swift – also known by names: Swift Syrien, Syrischer Segler, Rondone Siriano, Сирийский Свифт – are varieties originally from Egypt and...