Cauchois pigeon – also known by the name Какоис – is a variety derived from Caux, Normandy (Francis) and is reported to have been in development...
Form Pigeons
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The Show Homer pigeons – in different countries continue to use this name: Show Homer, or Шоу Гомер – a variety that originated in England, was...
The Carneau pigeons – also known by the names: Carnoso, Cainiau, Карно – are varieties originating from Hainaut, Francis (especially the northern...
The Show Antwerp pigeons – also known by the names: Antwerp, Antwerpener Schautauben, Viaggiatore Anversese da Esposizione, Антверпенский Выставочный...
The Sottobanca pigeon – also known as Italian Sottobanca, Sottobanca Italien, Sottobanca Mondenes, Соттобанка – is a varietal originating from...