The French Mondain pigeons – also known by the names: Gros Mondain, Mondain, Mondano, Французский мондейн – The Mondain is an ancient French pigeon...
Form Pigeons
formentauben-pigeons de forme-utility form pigeons
The Romagnol pigeons – also known by the names: Romagnolo, Ромагноли – Romagnolo was named starting from “real” pigeons at the end of...
The Fancy pigeon Crested Soultz – or also known by the names: Huppe de Soultz, Soultzer Haube, Cuffia in Soultz, Хохлатый Сольтц – is a variety...
The Hungarian Giant House pigeons – also known by names: Géant Hongrois, Ungarische Riesentaube, Gigante Ungherese, Porumbei Urias Manghiar, Венгерский...
Benešovský holub Benesov Pigeon ornamental pigeons – also known by the names: Pigeon de Benesov, Beneschauer Taube, Colombo in Benesov, Бенешовский...