Pražský rejdič středozobý Praque Tumbler middle face – also known by the name : Prager Mittelschnäblicher Tümmler , Culbutant de Prague á bec moyen...
Tag - czech pigeons
Moravsky volác belohlávek Ornamental dove Bohemian Cropper – or also known by the names: Boulant à Tête Blanche de Moravie, Mährischer Weißkopfkröpfer...
Moravsky volác Morák Morovian Morak Cropper pigeons – also known by the names:Boulant Morak de Moravie, Mährischer Morak, Gozzuto Morak di Moravia...
Český bublák The Czech trumpeter is a basic breed of trumpeter, the most valuable features of which are the special vocal expression called trumpeter, and the...
Cesky Rejdic Czech Tumbler – also known by names: Böhmischer Tümmler , Culbutant de Bohême , Capitombolante Ceco, Чешский турман – are varieties...
Moravsky volác Sedlaty Morovian Magpie Cropper – also known by the names: Clean-legged Magpie Cropper, Boulant Pie de Moravie, Mährischer Elsterkröpfer...
The Silesian Colourhead Pigeons– also known by the names: Tête Colorée de Silésie, Schlesischer Farbenkopf, Bavaglino Colorato di Slesia, Силезский...
The Prachen Kanik pigeon – also known by the names: Kanik, Prachener Kanik, Kanik in Praga, Прахенский каник – is a variety derived from the...
The Czech Steller Cropper – or also known by the names: Cesky Stavak, Boulant stavak, Böhmischer Stellerkröpfer, Gozzuto Steller Ceco, Чешский стеллер...
The Czech Baghdad Pigeons– also known by the names: Bagadais Tchèque, Tschechische Bagdette, Bagadese Ceco, Чешский багдет – are varieties derived...