Polish Hen Pigeons Białka Polska is a purebred pigeon bred in the vicinity of Krakow. This breed was bred on the basis of crossing the Polish lynx with...
Tag - huhntauben
Magyar Autosex Tyúkgalamb A community was established in Gyomaendrőd in 2005 for the breeding of the Hungarian Autosex Hen Pigeon, associated with József...
Magyar csirkegalamb The exact place of origin of the Hungarian chicken meat is not known, but it has always been especially popular in the Great Plain...
Vukovarski Kokošasti Golub Vukovar Chicken -also known by the name :vukovarer huhntauben, poule de vukovar , Вуковарский Куриный Голуб – is a varnished...
Banatski Pilicasti Golub Banat Chicken Pigeon – also known by the names: Banater Huhntauben, Банатский Куриный Голубь – is a varietal originating...
Maltese pigeons – also known by names: Poule Maltais, Malteser, Мальтийский голубь – are varieties originating from Austria, which began to be...
The King pigeons– or also called by name: Show King, Кинг – is a variety originally from the United States, which has been developed since 1890...
The German Modena – also known by the names: Modène Type Allemand, Deutsche Modeneser, Modenese Tedesco, Немецкая модена – are varieties originally...
The Hungarian pigeons- also known by the names: Poule Hongrois, Huhnschecke, Gazzo Ungherese, Венгерский голубь – is a genuine origin derived from...
The pigeon now known as the ‘English Modena’ was developed in the early years of the nineteenth century by a group of English Breeders headed by the late W.F...