Cravattato Rondone Rondone Frill pigeons – also known by the names:Rondone Mövchen , Cravaté Rondone – Very old breed, whose existence is already witnessed at...
Tag - italian pigeons
Ascolano ornamental pigeons – generally only known as that – is an old Italian race dove, mainly maintained in the Marches, or also in places such...
Viaggiatore Italiano da Esposizione Italian Beauty Homer – also known by the names: Italienisches Schautaube,Voyageur Italien d’exposition Pigeon de...
The Bergamasco pigeon – also known by the names: Bergamasque, Бергамаско – is a breeding variety in Bergamo (Lombardia) in Italy in the 19th...
The Piacentino pigeons– or also known by the names: Grosso di Piacenza, Mondano Piacentino, Пиасентино – is a varietal originating from the...
The Italien Owl – Cravaté Italien, Italienisches Mövchen, Cravattato Italiano, Итальянская сова – is a varietal originating from the northern...
The Sottobanca pigeon – also known as Italian Sottobanca, Sottobanca Italien, Sottobanca Mondenes, Соттобанка – is a varietal originating from...
The Romagnol pigeons – also known by the names: Romagnolo, Ромагноли – Romagnolo was named starting from “real” pigeons at the end of...
The Triganino modena Pigeon – also known by the name: Triganino de Modène, Triganino Modeneser, Triganino Modenese, Триганино нарядная модена – is...