Trumpeter Pigeons

Franconian Trumpeter pigeons ( Fränkische Trommeltaube )

Tambour de Franconie
Tambour de Franconie

The Franconian Trumpeter – also known by the names: Tambour de Franconie, Fränkische Trommeltaube, Tamburo in Franconia, Франконский барабанщик – nettalah varieties originating from Oberfranken (Germany), in the region adjacent to Thuringia, and known to be developed since year 1900. Then in later times this variety began to be developed in the Netherlands, and followed by several other countries in Europe. Varieties belonging to this type of trumpeter pigeons have good flying ability, but are mainly developed to meet the demands of tastes as a fancier who wants a clean-legged trumpeter. Like the group, these varieties also sound trumpet.

Franconian Trumpeter-trumpeter pigeons
Franconian Trumpeter pigeon
Franconian Trumpeter - black white pigeons
Franconian Trumpeter fancy pigeons
franconian pigeons
Tambour de Franconie
Tambour de Franconie

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