Form Pigeons

Lahore Pigeons

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red lahore pigeons

The Lahore Pigeons– or Лахоры – is a variety originating from the city of Lahore (Pakistan), which is thought to have been cultivated since the 15th century, and was only introduced to Europe (especially in Germany) in 1880, and became popular among fanciers in the year 1960s. Some records also show that this variety is actually an old race from Persia, and therefore also found many kept in Iran. Varieties belonging to this type of Utility form pigeons were originally intended as pigeon consumption / broiler, but now more used as pigeon displays because of its beauty.
Pigeon club list – lahore pigeon breeders ( Flickr Album )

form pigeons
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lahore pigeons
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lahore pigeons
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lahore tauben

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