Syrian Pigeons Wattle Pigeons

Syrian Bagdad Pigeons

syrian pigeons
syrian bagdad pigeons

The Syrian Baghdad dove – or also known by the names: Syrian Carrier, Syricher Bagdette, Bagadese Siriano, Сирийские Багдет – is one of the ancient races originating from regions of Iraq, Iran, Syria, and even Turkey, believed to be grandmothers – ancestry for all the existing “Baghdad pigeons” varieties. There is no specific record of the origin of this variety, but assuming this variety as “mother” for all varieties of “bagdad” is thought to have been known since the 16th century. This variety has excellent flying ability, and indeed has a very close relationship with carrier, postal pigeons. Varieties that are grouped into this type of Wattle syrian pigeons, are very little published – it’s hard to find adequate references to their existence.

mottle bagdad
syrian carrier pigeons
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syricher bagdette tauben

Syrian bagdad varieties English carrier pigeons

carrier pigeons
english carrier pigeons

Carrier pigeons WİKİ

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