Turkish Dunek is slightly larger than a flat, semi-wild pigeon. Its length varies between 28-32 cm from the neck to the tip of the tail. It has a solid body...
Tag - roller
Magyar pergogalamb Hungarian roller pigeons In Hungary, pigeons from behind who have been chosen from the Birmingham roller type since 2005. Medium size. body...
Makedonski Dunek Macedonian Dunek – also known by the names: Mazedonischer Dunek ( drehtaube) , Dunek de Macédoine -This pigeons, in Macedonia, was brought...
It’s primarily an air performer, valued for it’s tumultuous rolling from considerable altitude.” They do a lot of steep diving, and high...
Çakal Güvercin Cakal Rollers – or also known by the names: Rouleur Cakal, Cakalroller, Rotolatore in Cakal, Какальский роллер – are varieties...
Pazardchin Roller – also known by the names: Rouleur de Pazardjik, Pazardchiner Roller, Rotolatore di Pazardjik, ПАЗАРДЖИШКИ БЕНКАЛИЯ – is a...
The East Slovak Roller – also known by the names: Východoslovenský Kotrmeliak, Rouleur de Slovaquie Orientale, Ostslowakischer Roller, Восточно-Словацкий...
The Polish Butterfly pigeons – also known by the names: Papillon de Varsovie, Warschauer Schmetterling, Farfallato di Varsavia, Польская бабочка –...
The Fancy pigeon Debrecin Roller – or also known by the names: Rouleur de Debrecen, Debreciner Roller, Rotolatore in Debrecen, Дебреценский роллер...