Structure Pigeons

Limburg Jacobin Pigeons ( Limburgse Kraagduif )

nun - jekobin pigeons
limburg jacobin pigeons

The Limburg Nun ( jacobin pigeons ) – also known by the names: Nonnain Limbourgeois, Gulerat de Limburg, Limburgse Kraagduif, Limburgische Kragentaube – is a varietal originating from Limburg Province (Belgium), which began to be developed since the 1970s, although it seems not so widely cultivated, even recognized as a very rare varieties. Varieties belonging to this type of Structure and tumbler pigeons have good flying ability, but it seems more developed for the beauty of its appearance.

jacobin pigeons - pegion
limburg jacobin
limburg nun - jacobin pigeon images
Nonnain Limbourgois
Limburger Kragentaube - npa usa - nun pigeons
Limburger Kragentaube

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