Owl Pigeons

African Owl Pigeons

african owl
african owl pigeon

African Owl Pigeons – also known by the names: L’African Owl, Einfarbiges Mövchen, Cravattato Africano, or Африканская сова – The African Owl was brought to Europe around 1600 from North Africa and the port city of Tunisia and was later known as the Egyptian owl or Tunisian Owl.

These names were changed when the American standard was adopted in 1978. Before that, it was also possible to find a much larger species that entered in other shows as the German Eurasian Seagulls. This was the intermediate form of the German shield owl , the English Owl, and the Tunisian Owl.

The main difference between the African owl and the english owl type is that the African or “Foreign” species is noticeably smaller.As with other “owl” pigeon species, the African Owl has feathers that run down the front of its chest, also known as a tie or tie, called a jabot.

white african owl pigeons - mövchen
white african owl pigeons
Einfarbiges Mövchen
Einfarbiges Mövchen
african owl
african owl breeds
african owl - owl pigeons - taıben
african owl pigeon

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