Trumpeter Pigeons

Russian Trumpeter Pigeons

Russkiy barabanshchik

Русский бараба́нщик

Russian trumpeter/ Turkot (Ukrainian) is an aboriginal breed of pigeons in the south of Russia and Ukraine. Belongs to a group of trumpeter  pigeons , characterized by a kind of cooing, reminiscent of a drum roll or trumpet sounds.

Russian trumpeter pigeons are large active and aggressive birds. The pugnaciousness of these pigeons can be considered a breed characteristic. They are unpretentious, hatch well and successfully feed their chicks. With regular training, they can fly with a flock of racing pigeons.

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The Russian trumpeter has a bright, memorable exterior. First of all, the strongly feathered legs attract attention. In a good drummer, the cosma looks like two cymbals, and the length of the leg feathers competes with the length of the wing feathers. The second notable feature of torkuts is the feathery head decoration.

trommeltauben - russian
trumpeter pigeons russian breeds
trumpeter pigeon breeds
russian trumpeter